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See the Difference

Talk to an expert and discover why customers across all industries and sizes choose SentinelOne over CrowdStrike.

3 Reasons Why Customers Choose

SentinelOne vs CrowdStrike

S1Homepage Desktop InnovationCard
Detection 72
Detection Without Dependencies
SentinelOne offers machine-speed detection, response, and faster recovery, all faster than CrowdStrike's obsolete 1-10-60 mode which relies on humans to operate.
S1Homepage Desktop InnovationCard
Performance 72
Proven Performance Advantage
SentinelOne consistently leads in MITRE ATT&CK evaluations. Make your team's life easier without CrowdStrike’s misses, delays, and configuration changes.
S1Homepage Desktop InnovationCard
Data 72
No Nickel-and-Diming for Data You Need
SentinelOne offers longer EDR data retention than CrowdStrike by default. Choose autonomously correlated and contextualized alerts, created at machine speed.

SentinelOne vs. CrowdStrike: MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK Evaluations

Walk through the latest MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK Evaluation step-by-step, and see how SentinelOne achieved record-breaking, AI-driven results compared to CrowdStrike—without constant delays, manual interventions, and configuration changes.

Trusted by the Best

The World’s Leading & Largest Organizations Choose Singularity XDR

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